The Truth About Hexes and Hex Removal

Hexes can be troublesome. More than simply an "evil eye" or "bad luck", they can dramatically affect the way that you go about your life. Many go away on their own but some or so serious that they require white magick in order to remove. Think of these kind of hexes like a tumor -- if it isn't cut out -- it can kill you or drastically shorten your life. Fortunately, there is no type of black magick that cannot be undone. If you suspect that you or a close family member is the victim of a hex, seek help immediately. If there is no one that can help you within your local vicinity, then there are several spells that you can do yourself to remove the hex. Learn how.

Determine What is a Hex and What Isn't

First, let's get one thing straight: not every misfortune in your life is the result of a hex. Many people who believe that they are hexed are wrong. However, there is a way to be sure whether or not you are hexed. Look out for the following signs:
  • Continuous bad luck, regardless of what you do, for months or even years at a time.
  • A feeling of exhaustion even when you haven't had any physical activity.
  • Depressed or angry feelings even if you've had no history of depression or similar mental illnesses. 
Of course, these are only a few signs. Ultimately, only you will know if you are hexed. A great way to make sure is to ask the tarot cards. If you don't know how to do tarot readings, go to someone who does and ask them to use the cards to see if you or a loved one has been hexed. Websites like offer several talented tarot readers with reviews so that you can know for sure if you are getting the right advice.

What to Do Next

If you or a loved one is the victim of a hex, then you'll need to work to remove it. This usually involves some sort of hex removal spell. Don't worry, this isn't an exorcism; no one is going to start walking up the walls or hanging from the ceiling. Many people confuse hexes with demon possessions; a potentially fatal mistake. Hex removal removes a man-made curse while exorcism removes a demon from within a person's body. This web page has an excellent hex removal spell that I have tried personally. However, the wording of the chant is a little awkward so I changed it. Remember, you are not at fault if someone has hexed you. You haven't done anything wrong. Therefore, it is highly recommended that if you use that spell you replace the words within the chant as it was traditionally used to undo a curse that a witch had cast upon someone else. However, the purpose is still the same. Also, it's best to perform this spell on the night before the full moon instead of the night after. The moon gains more power as it is waxing and the odds of beating the hex are greatly increased. You should wake up in the morning feeling renewed. If you do not have a bathtub, then try a spell that doesn't use bath magic

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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.