Is it beneficial to major in the study of metaphysics?

I've been asked by soon-to-be college students if metaphysics is a good area to major in.  After all, several students go to college for practical reasons; because their degree will help them in developing a stable and meaningful career. Others go simply because they enjoy learning and college can become a safe haven; more mature than high school and challenging enough for the young mind. But is metaphysics the right area of study for you?

First, let me tell you that I am an English major. After I receive my B.A. in English, I plan to further my education by obtaining an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. I'm one of those people who chose to go to college for practical reasons. I was tired of not having a lot of options available to me when it came to employment. Even in the freelancing world, a degree is becoming more and more necessary. I always wanted to pursue a career in teaching English abroad. The first people that are chosen are usually English majors, so my degree just made sense for my future career as a writer and teacher.

Metaphysics in the Learning Sense

If you're someone who is fascinated by learning new things and having new experiences, then metaphysics is one of the best fields to get into. There are always new areas to study, new things to focus on. It's one of those fields where you will learn every day for the rest of your life.

Metaphysics in the Practical Sense

If you're a person with a strong intellect and an ability to think outside of the box, then metaphysics will certainly be your cup of tea. Practically speaking, however, there isn't a whole lot you can do with a degree in this subject. You can write books, teach, tutor, lead a religious study group, travel, and that's about it. If those are the types of things that you would like to do anyways, then you're set.

However, be forewarned that if you choose to be a metaphysics writer then you will have a heavy amount of competition and a very small bank balance. There isn't much money in this subject and many people who are unable to obtain work in the field live off of donations so that they can continue their research. Alternatively, some who study metaphysics work in other fields to make up for the difference. I'm not saying this to discourage you, if this is your heart's calling then by all means do follow it. But if you're looking for something that is going to make you a very good living, then this isn't the field to be in.

It's Ultimately Up to You

I've presented you with the pros and cons of studying metaphysics and going into the field. I am not formally a metaphysicist; I'm a research writer. However, I know several people who have successfully and unsuccessfully studied the subject and entered the field. Metaphysics can be a highly rewarding and fulfilling subject, especially if you are already interested in studying things relating to the unknown. I know it sounds cliche` but..listen to your heart when it comes to making these types of serious decisions.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.