Psychic Vampires: What they are and how they live

Psychic Vampires, also known as psi vamps, energy deficient, or psychic vampyres, are humans that lack an energy center and are unable to produce their own energy or are only able to produce small amounts of energy on their own. This deficiency can have negative physical consequences if the person does is not aware of their condition and does not "feed" or borrow energy from others on a regular basis.

Contrary to popular belief, psychic vampires look and act like ordinary people. This is because they are ordinary people. The difference is that they are hypersensitive to the energies around them and if they are not careful, can absorb all of the energies from their environment -- positive or negative. They are not "evil" but their nature is predatory.

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Misinformation

It is no surprise that psychic vampires are thought of as evil in Western society as the dominant Judeo-Christian world view teaches people to see only black and white and to polarize and classify everything as good and evil. Psychic vampires are aware of their condition and the ethical ones will go out of their way to feed without causing harm to another individual. Despite a great deal of literature to the contrary, psychic vampires are not "out to get you". The only time a psi vamp can harm a person is if they feed off of that person too much for too long. Obviously, this is unethical and the practice is not supported by the greater psi vamp community.

Psi vamps understand that negative does not equal evil and that positive does not equal good. Likewise, darkness does not equal evil and light does not equal good. Positive and negative and light and darkness are the forms that energy and magick can take on when they are being used for a specific purpose.

Psychic vampirism is not a religion. It's a condition of the spirit -- nothing more and nothing less. Psychic vampires who are aware of their condition go on to follow any religion of their choosing, with some of the most popular being Christianity, Buddhism, Hindu, New Age, Wicca/Paganism, and Spiritualism.

Am I a Psychic Vampire?

Individuality and following one's own path is greatly encouraged by the community so only you will know if you are one. However, there are a few good ways to tell.

  • Do you hate being alone, even for just a few days?
  • Does eating regular food and sleeping at night not give you the energy that you need?
  • Are you naturally a night owl? Do you prefer to be awake during the night than rather than during the day?
  • Are your eyes and your skin incredibly sensitive to sunlight and heat?
  • Are your hands and feet often colder than the rest of your body due to poor circulation?
  • Do you feel exhausted if you are forced to spend extended periods of time alone?
  • Do you often find yourself attracting unwanted attention? Are people intimidated by you?
  • Do you find yourself taking on someone else's personality for a short period of time after you've been around them, even for a short while?
If you answered "yes" to most of those questions then you could be a psychic vampire. There are other tell-tale signs of this condition and if you feel as though you are, you should visit a supportive online community that can help you understand yourself. These communities help the newly Awakened psychic vampires find hope, comfort, and guidance. The website was founded specifically for this purpose and their members are very friendly and helpful. 

The Psychic Vampire's Codex is a highly comprehensive and authoritative book on the subject. It contains everything you'll ever want or need to know about psychic vampires. For those who lack funds to purchase the book, a free, online version is available here -- though it does not contain everything. 


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