Finding a Meaningful Career for Spiritual Fulfillment

Most people in the past viewed work as a mundane necessity that had little to do with spirituality. As times change and we move further into the Age of Aquarius, this view is being questioned on a wide scale. The negative economic situation has created positivity in the hearts of those all over the developed world. Now, more than ever, people are chasing their dreams full speed ahead.

Websites such as Etsy are making it possible for artists to make a money doing what they love. Similar online venues have emerged for writers, designers, and programmers. It isn't just online where opportunities for creative minds are abundant; businesses are finally starting to realize the need for artists and writers in a time where only the innovators will survive.

A Personal Story

Ever since I was twelve, I wanted to be a mangaka. I spent several years honing my skills in order to make this dream a reality. Unfortunately, the economy went under when I finally reached the age at which I was able to work. Because I moved out young, I had to find a way to make money to support myself as there were no jobs in the area I lived in.

Luckily, one of my skills was writing. A dear friend of mine, named Sue, introduced me to the wonderful world of freelance writing. I created a web-based writing business that makes me a living today. I still want to be a mangaka, but I get a sense of fulfillment from my current work because I am using the skills that God gave me.

Find Yours

I've heard several people say that they have no passion or there's nothing that they're really good at. Not so! Everyone is born with God-given skills that they are meant to use in their adult life. For me, it was writing and drawing. For you, it could be counseling.
  1. Evaluate the things you enjoy doing. Work is not meant to be drudgery.
  2. Make a list of all of your favorite activities.
  3. Make a separate list for the skills you know you have. What things have you successfully done in your life? They don't have to be spectacular, they just need to be accomplishments. If you've ever done a great job cleaning your house, that's a noteworthy accomplishment.
  4. Write down career choices that you might consider based upon your natural abilities, personality, and enjoyable activities.
It's alright if it takes you a while to figure these things out. Some people have to do a bit more soul-searching then others. In the end, though, it's about doing something that you find meaningful.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.