Finding Solace During Difficult Times

What causes personal difficulties? Are they controlled completely by the actions of people or by some unknown force beyond our grasp? The answers to these questions are difficult to find. Though we cannot always control the circumstances within our lives nor can we control the immediate effect they'll have on us; we can control what we are willing to do with those experiences. The old saying of the half empty or half full glass rings true for everyone. 

Understanding Optimism & Pessimism

Optimists believe there is a silver lining on every cloud. Pessimists, on the other hand, have the ability to bring down the entire room. This all has to do with energy. Some people are more naturally inclined towards one or the other. 

If you're naturally a pessimistic person, chances are that you have unintentionally amplified the effect negative circumstances may have had on you. This is because pessimism is a form of negativity. Negativity feeds on negativity and it can grow to unimaginable proportions.

When you sense a negative thought entering your mind, refute it with something positive but true. Being positive is not enough - being truthful and positive is the only way to combat negative energy. You should also take measures to bless your home and workspace at least once per month. This can help keep positive energy flowing through.

Difficulty & Uncertainty

Uncertainty and difficulty are simply two unfortunate facts of life. However, no matter what personal difficulties we face - we as humans were given the God-given ability to overcome them. Isn't that wonderful? Never tell yourself that you cannot. Remember, you can and you will. Positive and truthful affirmations can be repeated out loud if you feel negative thoughts slipping into your mind.

Trust in the Companionship of Others

Healing can be as simple as a fun day at a tea shoppe with a close friend. Small, positive activities with others can have an enormous impact on how you live your life. If you have no friends, encourage yourself to go out and make some.

Even if you're like me and work from home, you can still make friends. Make an effort to go out places as often as you can. Be a conversation starter. The best way to start a conversation is usually with a compliment.

Also, be aware that the people that you choose to hang out with are not emitting negative energies as this can defeat the very purpose of healing through other people. We humans can sense each other's energy - if something doesn't feel right, that's because it isn't.

Love Conquers All

Love truly does conquer all. The love of friends, family, or a significant other can help you wade through the harsh waters of disappointment, loss, or personal trials. You can also make an effort to set aside some time in which to pray or meditate. Prayer and meditation can help you relieve stress and face difficult situations with a clear head as well as a clean conscious.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.