The Power of Meditation and Prayer

Prayer is the act of speaking with your chosen deity. Meditation is a slightly more abstract practice that can lend its benefits to the mind and body. Both practices can be incredibly healthy because they help to relieve stress and anxiety.


The key to praying effectively is to find a prayer that works well for you. Remember that prayers are personal and special. Here are some tips for praying effectively.

  1. Thank God for all he has given you.
  2. Express what concerns you have at the time.
  3. Ask for help with taking care of those things.
  4. Thank God again for all that he does.
  5. Have faith that your prayers will be answered.
Prayer is not magic. Even magic takes time to have an effect. The key is patience and a good attitude. Positive affirmations can also help you deal with any difficulties that come your way.


Meditation has a powerful effect on the mind and body. Meditation can be used to improve focus, relieve stress, and can even heal the body. Those who meditate are often physically and mentally sharper than those who don't. Practicing meditation for about ten to twenty minutes per day at the same time each day is ideal.


The general atmosphere that surrounds you can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your prayers and meditations. For this reason, it may be more beneficial to light candles, burn incense, play new age music, or set up an altar in a quiet place. Remember that each person has a certain energy about them. Because all of our vibes are different, our atmospheric and spiritual needs can differ as well.

Image credit goes to h.koppdelaney of


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.