Defeating the Poverty Consciousness

The poverty conscious is an ugly, awful thing. It tears you down, makes you feel worthless, and cripples you until your creativity is gone. It is the evil voice in the back of your head that tells you that you never have enough and you'll never have enough.

For years, I struggled with a poverty consciousness. You don't have to be poor to have one, but barely scraping by sure doesn't help matters either. There is a way to defeat it though, and it isn't necessarily by making more money.

A Stunning Revelation

One day, as I was in deep prayer at my altar, I asked Father-Mother God why things kept going wrong for me. A bright white light revealed the black energy that was in my head. That nasty mess of black energy was the poverty consciousness; the root of all of my negative thoughts and feelings. God said to me "Fight it with light" and I did. With the help of the Divine Light and my angel, I was able to destroy it completely.

More things were revealed to me through my daily prayer sessions. I became more aware of the energy around me. I knew things before they were going to happen (clairvoyance) and for the first time in my life, I felt a sense of hope. Things were going to change, I could feel it.

Nip It at the Bud

Have you ever felt overly stressed? Tired? Hungry? Not enough money? Worried? Everyone does. However, if these feelings persist on a daily basis and you cannot get a moment's peace, you may have a poverty conciousness.

Defeat it like so:

Stand or kneel at your altar. Find the gray or black energy in your head, using your third eye. Your third eye is most active when your physical eyes are both closed. Once you've spotted it ask God's Divine Light to remove it for you and help you experience joy. Envision the white and gold light eating up the icky black and gray mess. Sit still for a minute.

You may feel a sudden burst of happiness that you cannot fully understand. You may feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of you. Your head will no longer feel heavy and you will be free to think and create positively.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.