Challenges to Faith

In Western society, many people have began to move away from faith and claim to hold no religious beliefs. In America, atheism is the fastest growing standpoint on religion. Spiritual and religious people face serious opposition from the anti-religious. The hate that Christians pushed onto those of other religions and even on atheists is now being sent back to the religiously oppressive by the atheists. It is a vicious cycle that must be broken. No matter which side the hatefulness comes from, it is still hate. Hate destroys people and tears lives apart.

The Christian church has failed many people in many ways. Perhaps, the most profound way it has failed is that is has caused people to lose faith. Many churches have led people away from the real meaning of God.

However, there is much to be said about the failures of modern atheism as well. The fact that many mainstream atheists are closed-minded and are refusing to rely even on scientific fact (one of the only weapons in their arsenal) is a disturbing trend. Many atheists refuse to even use sound logic in their own arguments. This in itself, is troubling.

As society becomes more polarized, there are still those who refuse to jump to one extreme or the other. Many of these people include groups such as agnostics, Spiritualists, New Agers, and others. For those who seek their own path, it is imperative that they resist the madness of the heavy debates amongst those who cannot see past their judgement and hate.

The Difference Between Religiousness and Spiritualism

Religious people tend to have a long list of complicated and unnecessary rules for everything. Spiritual people tend to focus on more abstract concepts such as love, community, happiness, friendship, and light. For those who are spiritual, there is no right or wrong path to God. The only thing that could be considered wrong is causing harm to another person; whether directly or indirectly.


Pacifism doesn't just describe an opposition to war or the desire to keep the peace at all costs; it also describes a desire to avoid conflict of all sorts, to promote harmony and good will, and to lift the human spirits through positive thought and action. Pacifism is a trait that is found in many religions but primarily those that focus on spiritual endeavors rather than physical laws or pursuits.

Facing the Challenges to Faith

If someone criticizes your beliefs, simply smile and state "At least I am happy."

Picture Credit goes to Bahman Farzad of


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.