The True Form of Angels

I'm sure that all of us have wondered what angels look like. There are many different interpretations of angels' appearance. Angels can take on a human form but it's important to bear in mind that their human form is not their true form. Each class of angels - cherubs, thrones, etc. have a different appearance. Just as there are different races of people, each with their own unique characteristics; there are also various races of angels that are distinguishable from one another.

In the West, angels are depicted as winged, human-like creatures, usually with a fair complexion and maybe even with a glow around them. However, not all angels have wings and not all are fair in complexion.

When angels are in their true form, they are invisible to most people. I say most people because some people have the special gift of being able to see them, also known as clairvoyance. Angels are made up of many colors that are invisible to the spectrum of light that we humans can see. The study of advanced color theory explains this beautifully. Angels are made up of several fascinating colors. If angels made themselves visible in their true form, they would look similar to a multi-colored aurora. Now imagine the lights of the aurora taking the shape of a person, animal, or other recognizable being or object.

Ultimately, angels can choose whether or not they want to make themselves visible to human beings. The most common human view of angels is when the angelic beings take human form. Those with clairvoyance may be able to see them in their true form but this is always for a purpose. Whether they are seen or unseen, all angels have one goal in mind; helping humanity in whatever way that they can.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.