The Interaction of Angels & Humans: A Global Perspective

Angels are mentioned across a variety of different cultures but are not always called angels. A helpful spirit, a friendly stranger, or an animal that helped someone out are all examples of potential angel-human encounters.

In the West, where Christianity is a dominant religion, angels are considered helpful beings that are sent by God to assist humans with various tasks. They can even save peoples' lives!

In the East, encounters with friendly but disappearing strangers are reported as well.

Identifying an angel can be difficult if you don't really know who or what angels are. Rather than focusing solely on the Christian or Western interpretation of angelic beings, this article will focus on angels across a variety of cultures. Obtaining a global perspective of angels and their specific tasks can help you identify angels in your day-to-day life.

Angels Around the World

All around the world, angels help people each day. Their tasks can range from small missions such as helping someone avoid an accident to large tasks such as bringing back the dead. Yes, people do come back from the other side; but only if it isn't their time to go.

Angels also protect people from negative forces of nature, also commonly referred to as demons. While direct human encounters with demons are slightly more rare, they do happen. Many people have reported feeling that their was something else in their body or doing things that they were not conscious of. Angels combat these forces all of the time but humans can also do their part to assist them.

In some monotheistic religions that accept the use of magic, such as Spiritualism and New Age, it can be considered common to summon angels from their heavenly realms. Summoning angels is no easy task, however, and some might argue that this practice is controversial.

Angels and humans interact all of the time. Chances are, you will meet at least one angel every day and not even know it. No matter what part of the world you're in, angels are everywhere.

In conclusion, there are many ways to interact with angels. You can summon them, pray to them, pray with them, see them in their human form unaware of their presence, or see them through clairvoyance. Be sure that you are emitting positive energy as that is the best way to attract them.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.