The Meaning of Esoteric Christianity

Esoteric Christianity is what some might call "the true form of Christianity". Unlike mainstream Christianity, which frowns upon ritual magic, the exorcism of demons, and focuses solely on the modern translation of the Christian bible; Esoteric Christianity acknowledges the fact that God created the force that we call "magic" and it is here for our use, courtesy of a fair and loving God who wanted us to seek after his knowledge.

Esoteric Christianity is a very uncommon religion and it's beliefs are held by very few in this time period, known as the attention age. It is considered a mystery religion. Many esoteric Christians believe that God is neither male nor female. An omnipotent being has no need to reproduce and therefore, no need for gender. Esoteric Christians as well as Spiritualists, and New Agers begin their prayers with "Father-Mother God" to acknowledge that God is both a father and a mother, but holds no true gender.


Esoteric Christianity consists of the following key elements:
  • Ritual magic using items such as incense, candles, and herbs. Divine magic is called theurgy while demonic magic is called goetia.
  • Prayer to God (the ultimate deity) and to angels.
  • The invocation of angels and evocation of demons.
  • A scholarly mindset. One must desire to seek after hidden truths.

Esoteric Christianity faces quite a bit of controversy. Mainstream Christianity completely rejects the ideas that are a part of the Esoteric Christian faith. Because of the fact that esoteric Christianity is considered a mystery religion, it has often incorrectly been lumped in with the occult. It's important to note that while many occultists hold an "anything goes" mentality in terms of magic and deeds, Esoteric Christians only practice divine or "white" magic and use it only for the purpose of benefiting themselves or others.


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This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.