The Truth About Hexes and Hex Removal

Hexes can be troublesome. More than simply an "evil eye" or "bad luck", they can dramatically affect the way that you go about your life. Many go away on their own but some or so serious that they require white magick in order to remove. Think of these kind of hexes like a tumor -- if it isn't cut out -- it can kill you or drastically shorten your life. Fortunately, there is no type of black magick that cannot be undone. If you suspect that you or a close family member is the victim of a hex, seek help immediately. If there is no one that can help you within your local vicinity, then there are several spells that you can do yourself to remove the hex. Learn how.

Determine What is a Hex and What Isn't

First, let's get one thing straight: not every misfortune in your life is the result of a hex. Many people who believe that they are hexed are wrong. However, there is a way to be sure whether or not you are hexed. Look out for the following signs:
  • Continuous bad luck, regardless of what you do, for months or even years at a time.
  • A feeling of exhaustion even when you haven't had any physical activity.
  • Depressed or angry feelings even if you've had no history of depression or similar mental illnesses. 
Of course, these are only a few signs. Ultimately, only you will know if you are hexed. A great way to make sure is to ask the tarot cards. If you don't know how to do tarot readings, go to someone who does and ask them to use the cards to see if you or a loved one has been hexed. Websites like offer several talented tarot readers with reviews so that you can know for sure if you are getting the right advice.

What to Do Next

If you or a loved one is the victim of a hex, then you'll need to work to remove it. This usually involves some sort of hex removal spell. Don't worry, this isn't an exorcism; no one is going to start walking up the walls or hanging from the ceiling. Many people confuse hexes with demon possessions; a potentially fatal mistake. Hex removal removes a man-made curse while exorcism removes a demon from within a person's body. This web page has an excellent hex removal spell that I have tried personally. However, the wording of the chant is a little awkward so I changed it. Remember, you are not at fault if someone has hexed you. You haven't done anything wrong. Therefore, it is highly recommended that if you use that spell you replace the words within the chant as it was traditionally used to undo a curse that a witch had cast upon someone else. However, the purpose is still the same. Also, it's best to perform this spell on the night before the full moon instead of the night after. The moon gains more power as it is waxing and the odds of beating the hex are greatly increased. You should wake up in the morning feeling renewed. If you do not have a bathtub, then try a spell that doesn't use bath magic

Atheism & Spirituality: Is there such a combination?

With a growing number of people becoming dissatisfied with organized religion, its no surprise that many former Christians are now atheists, pagans, or both. Many people believe that atheists have a belief in nothing outside of what can be seen or proven and that they only believe in the here and now. On the contrary, there are some atheists whom partake in some type of spiritual path, usually paganism. 

What is atheism?

Atheism is the absence of a belief in deity(ies). Most atheists believe that there is nothing outside of what our physical senses or advanced technology can detect. They often think in terms of logic and reason. Some praise the enlightenment period (the beginning of the Age of Aquarius) for helping to create a less superstitious society in the West.

However, there are some atheists that believe in magick or "forces beyond human knowledge". These atheists are usually pagans. They don't believe in any pagan deities but they believe that there's more to life than meets the eye such as energy. There are also atheists who believe in extraterrestrials or life beyond the earth. While there has been some soft evidence of the possibility of former life forms (usually bacterium) on certain planets that we've explored, hard evidence is still lacking.

My Thoughts

I'm not an atheist so I can't speak for them. I am actually a kabbalistic witch so I practice ancient Jewish and Pagan witchcraft and rituals. However, some of my very close friends are atheists or pagan atheists and I applaud those who have an open mind and don't judge.

Psychic Vampires: What they are and how they live

Psychic Vampires, also known as psi vamps, energy deficient, or psychic vampyres, are humans that lack an energy center and are unable to produce their own energy or are only able to produce small amounts of energy on their own. This deficiency can have negative physical consequences if the person does is not aware of their condition and does not "feed" or borrow energy from others on a regular basis.

Contrary to popular belief, psychic vampires look and act like ordinary people. This is because they are ordinary people. The difference is that they are hypersensitive to the energies around them and if they are not careful, can absorb all of the energies from their environment -- positive or negative. They are not "evil" but their nature is predatory.

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Misinformation

It is no surprise that psychic vampires are thought of as evil in Western society as the dominant Judeo-Christian world view teaches people to see only black and white and to polarize and classify everything as good and evil. Psychic vampires are aware of their condition and the ethical ones will go out of their way to feed without causing harm to another individual. Despite a great deal of literature to the contrary, psychic vampires are not "out to get you". The only time a psi vamp can harm a person is if they feed off of that person too much for too long. Obviously, this is unethical and the practice is not supported by the greater psi vamp community.

Psi vamps understand that negative does not equal evil and that positive does not equal good. Likewise, darkness does not equal evil and light does not equal good. Positive and negative and light and darkness are the forms that energy and magick can take on when they are being used for a specific purpose.

Psychic vampirism is not a religion. It's a condition of the spirit -- nothing more and nothing less. Psychic vampires who are aware of their condition go on to follow any religion of their choosing, with some of the most popular being Christianity, Buddhism, Hindu, New Age, Wicca/Paganism, and Spiritualism.

Am I a Psychic Vampire?

Individuality and following one's own path is greatly encouraged by the community so only you will know if you are one. However, there are a few good ways to tell.

  • Do you hate being alone, even for just a few days?
  • Does eating regular food and sleeping at night not give you the energy that you need?
  • Are you naturally a night owl? Do you prefer to be awake during the night than rather than during the day?
  • Are your eyes and your skin incredibly sensitive to sunlight and heat?
  • Are your hands and feet often colder than the rest of your body due to poor circulation?
  • Do you feel exhausted if you are forced to spend extended periods of time alone?
  • Do you often find yourself attracting unwanted attention? Are people intimidated by you?
  • Do you find yourself taking on someone else's personality for a short period of time after you've been around them, even for a short while?
If you answered "yes" to most of those questions then you could be a psychic vampire. There are other tell-tale signs of this condition and if you feel as though you are, you should visit a supportive online community that can help you understand yourself. These communities help the newly Awakened psychic vampires find hope, comfort, and guidance. The website was founded specifically for this purpose and their members are very friendly and helpful. 

The Psychic Vampire's Codex is a highly comprehensive and authoritative book on the subject. It contains everything you'll ever want or need to know about psychic vampires. For those who lack funds to purchase the book, a free, online version is available here -- though it does not contain everything. 

The Difference Between Karma and Justice

I was using my special angel deck to do a reading with a former friend of mine a short while ago. When I discovered the justice card in the reading, she asked me what it was because her deck did not have a justice card. She has a druid deck and the druids do not believe in absolutes, such as justice. I had trouble explaining the meaning of the justice card, for I didn't quite know what it was myself. We both assumed it was similar to karma.

After taking the time to ponder this information, I came upon the realization that justice is not karma. I do not believe in karma but I do believe in justice. There is actually a huge difference between the two. With karma, everything that you put out physically or mentally comes back to you regardless of your intent. However, with justice the intent matters more than the action. Did you do something questionable or harmful for a good reason?

Now, here is where it gets tricky. Most people are unsure of when it is okay to break rules or laws in the name of justice. Perhaps, some of the best modern examples are the prominent figures of the civil rights movement, such as Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks. Dr. King's intention was to bring racial equality to America and he succeeded because he broke the laws that were perpetuating the negative cycle of racism. Rosa Parks broke the law by sitting in the front of the bus but she did it with purpose. If your intentions are to do good, then you will see the positive side of justice regardless of how anyone else views your actions.

The justice tarot card is interesting because, like the death card, it is dramatically misunderstood. The death card usually implies a major life change or a metaphorical death, so to speak. The justice card has to do with the tricky process of balancing the scales. Did you steal to feed your children? Did you lie to save someone's life? Do you disable someone who was going to harm you if you had not? All of these actions are about intention. Of course, I always say, do everything you can to do something the right way.

God usually gives us doors to walk through, even if they aren't easy to reach. However, only when someone is given no other option but to do a certain deed in the name of justice or the greater good must they carry out that deed. Therefore, justice is not always a form of punishment. It can be a revelation of someone's intentions or their true character. It symbolizes the balancing of the scales.

Have you worked hard for a long time only to receive very little in return? Seeing the justice card in a tarot reading in this instance can symbolize that you're finally reaping the seeds you've sown.

As a judge carefully reviews each case before making his or her final judgment, so too does the divine review our cases before giving us what it is we deserve. The difference is, of course, that God knows our intentions whereas no human judge can.

Photo credit: rememberthrough at Flickr. URL:

Twin Flames: A Nice Concept or a Real Phenomenon?

Imagine visiting somewhere that you've never been, yet you remember it as if you've been there a thousand times or more. Imagine meeting someone who not only gains your attraction but fulfills you in every way imaginable: physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. This is the power of twin flames, also known as soul mates or twin souls. The saying "I've met my other half" was most likely derived from this very concept. But such a concept arouses an array of questions that aren't simple to answer. Does everyone have a soul mate? Can a soul mate be the same gender as you? How would I recognize such a person if I ever met them?

Naturally, as humans our understanding of the metaphysical world is incomplete. No matter how much time we spend in study, we will never know all there is to know. However, this is the beauty of the quest for knowledge. The sheer fact that it can never be completed is, in and of itself, thrilling and brings about a thirst for more information. The same can be said for the quest to find one's soul mate. The desire to find our perfect mate was naturally ingrained into our psyche, our biology, and our spirits. No one is meant to walk the earth alone.

Whether you refer to them as soul mates, twin flames, or twin souls, they are very real and everyone has one whether they know it or not. While many people will say that gender exists in the form of energy, I personally dismiss this concept. Gender is taught or learned. It is a behavior and a biological status, nothing more. Therefore, it could be quite possible that two twin flames are of the same biological gender, though this is incredibly rare. It won't take any special effort on your part to find this person. You two will find each other naturally, as such meetings cannot be forced. However, there are things that you can do to aid the process. Be receptive, open, and willing to let love enter your life and you will find your soul mate.

A Lesson in Acceptance

Recently, I was required to read a letter written by Dr. Martin Luther Kind Jr. for a literature class. It made me think about a lot of things, primarily my own ignorance towards racism and how it is still a prevalent obstacle even in today's world. Contrary to popular belief, racism still exists and it affects people more heavily than one might think.

I grew up in a suburban home in central Florida as an adopted minority child of two loving, white parents. I didn't like where we lived. I hated how everything was so separate, yet so mixed in. I couldn't stand the old men who wore speedos while roller-blading down the beach, nor could I tolerate the steroid-pumping cops that patrolled the neighborhood nearby. Mainly, I couldn't stand the large white, redneck population that made life for minorities a struggle.

Until the age of 16, I was completely blind to racism. Growing up in a family full of wonderfully color-blind people made me color-blind too. However, going to public school made that slowly disappear. The black girls would often ask me questions such as "Why are your parents white?". It was awkward and frustrating. I'd often just ride the bus rather than have my parents take me to avoid the grueling interrogations. I just wanted to be left alone. The white students at my school seemed just as color-blind as my family and I so I sought comfort with them. Even though I was half white, half African American I always identified myself as a white person. I stayed out of the sun to stay light-skinned and made a special effort to act as all of my white peers acted.

However, I could not escape the questions. Because the other black girls in my school sensed that I was uncomfortable with discussing the subject, they teased and harassed me. Some were even physically violent. As a result, I became more and more skeptical of half of my race. I disliked them. They were mean, loud, violent and unfriendly while the white girls were always warm, friendly, and welcoming.

Then everything changed. In high school I met a girl named Artesia. She was the only black girl I'd ever met who felt the same way I did. She'd endured the same teasing because of her willingness to be color-blind. She hated the prominent "ghetto mentality" that was so prevalent among the black girls in our school and sought to just be herself. One day I was placed in one of her classes on an assignment for one of my teachers. I peered into the window and saw the white male teacher passively give out student assignments. The boys in the class were touching her breasts and when she repeatedly told them to stop and complained to the teacher, he simply dismissed here.

For the first time in my life, I'd seen oppression in its most awful form. This sweet, innocent young woman who wanted nothing more than to finish high school and not get sick of it and drop out like the rest of us was being sexually harassed and the one authority figure who is supposed to take the matter seriously, did nothing. You can rest assured I had a few heavy words for that man.

I left home at 16 and lived with a white man. I was attracted to white men. It was just a personal preference. However, this man was incredibly abusive and evil. During my time with him my eyes opened. I learned to recognize who was racist and who wasn't simply by a glance and the tone of their voice. I started understanding why I couldn't get a job in crappy, central Florida - the redneck heaven of the South. I understood the meaning behind the old white woman's pursed lips and the young punk's cold grimace. Everything made perfect sense now.

Sometimes I wished I'd never opened my eyes. I liked being color-blind. I liked thinking everyone was the same. The truth is, everyone is the same. Unfortunately, society does not treat us that way. Color-blindness is not a skill -- it's a gift from above. When one is truly color blind, one can see the world from an objective and fair perspective. The world needs an infection of color-blindness. My loving adoptive parents have shown me that such a trait is a necessity in this world and that the color blind person is a gift to mankind.

Is it beneficial to major in the study of metaphysics?

I've been asked by soon-to-be college students if metaphysics is a good area to major in.  After all, several students go to college for practical reasons; because their degree will help them in developing a stable and meaningful career. Others go simply because they enjoy learning and college can become a safe haven; more mature than high school and challenging enough for the young mind. But is metaphysics the right area of study for you?

First, let me tell you that I am an English major. After I receive my B.A. in English, I plan to further my education by obtaining an M.F.A. in Creative Writing. I'm one of those people who chose to go to college for practical reasons. I was tired of not having a lot of options available to me when it came to employment. Even in the freelancing world, a degree is becoming more and more necessary. I always wanted to pursue a career in teaching English abroad. The first people that are chosen are usually English majors, so my degree just made sense for my future career as a writer and teacher.

Metaphysics in the Learning Sense

If you're someone who is fascinated by learning new things and having new experiences, then metaphysics is one of the best fields to get into. There are always new areas to study, new things to focus on. It's one of those fields where you will learn every day for the rest of your life.

Metaphysics in the Practical Sense

If you're a person with a strong intellect and an ability to think outside of the box, then metaphysics will certainly be your cup of tea. Practically speaking, however, there isn't a whole lot you can do with a degree in this subject. You can write books, teach, tutor, lead a religious study group, travel, and that's about it. If those are the types of things that you would like to do anyways, then you're set.

However, be forewarned that if you choose to be a metaphysics writer then you will have a heavy amount of competition and a very small bank balance. There isn't much money in this subject and many people who are unable to obtain work in the field live off of donations so that they can continue their research. Alternatively, some who study metaphysics work in other fields to make up for the difference. I'm not saying this to discourage you, if this is your heart's calling then by all means do follow it. But if you're looking for something that is going to make you a very good living, then this isn't the field to be in.

It's Ultimately Up to You

I've presented you with the pros and cons of studying metaphysics and going into the field. I am not formally a metaphysicist; I'm a research writer. However, I know several people who have successfully and unsuccessfully studied the subject and entered the field. Metaphysics can be a highly rewarding and fulfilling subject, especially if you are already interested in studying things relating to the unknown. I know it sounds cliche` but..listen to your heart when it comes to making these types of serious decisions.

Is there really such a thing as gender?

Of course we all know that gender exists on a physical level. The real question is: Does gender exist on a spiritual level? Does a man have a "man's soul" and does a woman possess a "woman's soul"? After reading an article about how a man should "posess" a woman; I felt a mixture of disgust and intrigue.

As with all issues that I come across, I wanted to look at this subject from a persecutive other than chauvinistic Christianity, which has been the ruling philosophy in the West literally since the time of Jesus. Now, don't get me wrong. I hold no prejudices towards members of the Christian faith but I do wholeheartedly disagree with them on a lot of moral and political stances. I'm a collectivist, not an individualist. I believe in free thought. I believe that LGBT people should have rights. And lastly, but most importantly, I believe that men and women were created equally. The man is not the only head of the household. The man and woman are both the heads of the household; each doing the tasks that they do best.

But back to the original question: Is there such a thing as a spiritual gender? My answer has always been no. I don't believe that women or men are supposed to act one certain way and God forbid they actually be themselves. Perhaps, it would be easier to explain if I broke this question down into groups. Let's go!

Active & Passive: Masculine & Feminine Energies

Several New Agers believe that active energy is masculine and passive energy is feminine. However, I choose to dismiss this theory since no energy can be considered feminine or masculine. For the same reason God is Father-Mother God, genderless and yet both genders, energy cannot and has never been associated with a physical trait that is in existence only for the physiological purpose of reproduction. Active energy is simply active and passive energy is simply passive. That's it. Why assign a physical trait to a non-physical entity? It doesn't make sense.


Society always seems to expect more of men. Men are supposed to be strong, tough, support their wives, blah blah blah. But when a man shows that he is human; when a man dares to cry, he is chastised. When a man is being bullied or abused he is told to "man up". Why? Men deserve to be treated fairly too. Just because men are built for certain physical tasks does not mean that they should take abuse from others. Society needs to value the feelings of men if the human race ever wishes to grow beyond its primitiveness.


For thousands of years women were treated as second-class citizens. They were not allowed to work, they were not allowed to advance to the same educational level as men, and they were nothing more than baby breeding machines. A woman had to find a man in order to survive. Women who could not find husbands were forced to live with their parents until they married. When they became windowed in old age, they were merely left to die. With no skills and no education; what could they do without a man's help? Nothing. The lucky widows had sons to care for them in old age. The not-so-lucky ones were sent into a terrible death of starvation due to agonizing poverty. Most of them were miserable. I'd like to quote a prominent feminist, Mary Wollstonecraft, who wrote

"Educated in slavish dependence and enervated by luxury and sloth, women were too often nauseatingly sentimental and foolish. A confined existence also produced the sheer frustration that transformed these angels of the household into tyrants over child and servant. Education held the key to achieving a sense of self-respect and anew self-image that would enable women to put their capacities to good use."

Henry Mackow likes to believe that feminism is what has destroyed the family structure, contributed to female promiscuity, and caused women to be "confused as to their roles". I would like to argue that while some women may be confused; most of us are not slutty, career-obsessed, bimbos. 

I am an educated woman with a fulfilling career. I have been supporting myself since a very young age. Yet, I also have a fulfilling long-term relationship with my fiancée. Successful relationships are not dependent upon traditional and oppressive roles; they are dependent upon factors such as love, physical security, and happiness. 

To state otherwise is to make a mockery of all of the good-hearted souls who fought for equality between the sexes. Because of them; I do not have to die of starvation as an old widow due to my barren womb. No, I can live a happy and peaceful life with my lover knowing that we will both be okay in our old age. I am eternally grateful for women such as Mary Wollstonecraft who made it possible for me to be a successful, educated, business owner. I could not have done this back in the days of women having to rely solely on men.


Sexual orientation seems to have a lot to do with so-called "gender identity". I would actually like to point out that there is no such thing as gender identity. Love is simply love. It is a connection from one soul to another. When you find your other half; you will know. Sometimes that person isn't a different gender than you after all.

If a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman and they choose to carry on a successful, monogamous relationship; they are free to enjoy the same rights that heterosexual couples enjoy everyday.

I am personally disgusted by the religious right. The fact that they would push their draconian, warped views on everyone who doesn't fit in their perfect "white, Christian, middle-class" bracket is despicable. Why are they so obsessed with the way that other people choose to live their lives? Are they truly such control freaks that the happiness of others ticks them off so much that they want to fight it? 

For too long, the LGBT community has been oppressed by bible-toting, hate-spewing, racist, right-wing nutjobs who have nothing better to do than butt in to other people's personal affairs. You don't see gay people protesting at straight weddings. So why do they show up and do it to gays? How disrespectful and ignorant these people are! 


I may have let my passion get me a tad off subject. These are issues that are very important to me. I believe its important for everyone to know that there really is no such thing as a spiritual gender. Gender is something physical. In spirit, we human beings, look and feel exactly the same. Our souls truly are genderless. 

Photo courtesy of gunnisal of

Finding Solace During Difficult Times

What causes personal difficulties? Are they controlled completely by the actions of people or by some unknown force beyond our grasp? The answers to these questions are difficult to find. Though we cannot always control the circumstances within our lives nor can we control the immediate effect they'll have on us; we can control what we are willing to do with those experiences. The old saying of the half empty or half full glass rings true for everyone. 

Understanding Optimism & Pessimism

Optimists believe there is a silver lining on every cloud. Pessimists, on the other hand, have the ability to bring down the entire room. This all has to do with energy. Some people are more naturally inclined towards one or the other. 

If you're naturally a pessimistic person, chances are that you have unintentionally amplified the effect negative circumstances may have had on you. This is because pessimism is a form of negativity. Negativity feeds on negativity and it can grow to unimaginable proportions.

When you sense a negative thought entering your mind, refute it with something positive but true. Being positive is not enough - being truthful and positive is the only way to combat negative energy. You should also take measures to bless your home and workspace at least once per month. This can help keep positive energy flowing through.

Difficulty & Uncertainty

Uncertainty and difficulty are simply two unfortunate facts of life. However, no matter what personal difficulties we face - we as humans were given the God-given ability to overcome them. Isn't that wonderful? Never tell yourself that you cannot. Remember, you can and you will. Positive and truthful affirmations can be repeated out loud if you feel negative thoughts slipping into your mind.

Trust in the Companionship of Others

Healing can be as simple as a fun day at a tea shoppe with a close friend. Small, positive activities with others can have an enormous impact on how you live your life. If you have no friends, encourage yourself to go out and make some.

Even if you're like me and work from home, you can still make friends. Make an effort to go out places as often as you can. Be a conversation starter. The best way to start a conversation is usually with a compliment.

Also, be aware that the people that you choose to hang out with are not emitting negative energies as this can defeat the very purpose of healing through other people. We humans can sense each other's energy - if something doesn't feel right, that's because it isn't.

Love Conquers All

Love truly does conquer all. The love of friends, family, or a significant other can help you wade through the harsh waters of disappointment, loss, or personal trials. You can also make an effort to set aside some time in which to pray or meditate. Prayer and meditation can help you relieve stress and face difficult situations with a clear head as well as a clean conscious.

The Power of Meditation and Prayer

Prayer is the act of speaking with your chosen deity. Meditation is a slightly more abstract practice that can lend its benefits to the mind and body. Both practices can be incredibly healthy because they help to relieve stress and anxiety.


The key to praying effectively is to find a prayer that works well for you. Remember that prayers are personal and special. Here are some tips for praying effectively.

  1. Thank God for all he has given you.
  2. Express what concerns you have at the time.
  3. Ask for help with taking care of those things.
  4. Thank God again for all that he does.
  5. Have faith that your prayers will be answered.
Prayer is not magic. Even magic takes time to have an effect. The key is patience and a good attitude. Positive affirmations can also help you deal with any difficulties that come your way.


Meditation has a powerful effect on the mind and body. Meditation can be used to improve focus, relieve stress, and can even heal the body. Those who meditate are often physically and mentally sharper than those who don't. Practicing meditation for about ten to twenty minutes per day at the same time each day is ideal.


The general atmosphere that surrounds you can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of your prayers and meditations. For this reason, it may be more beneficial to light candles, burn incense, play new age music, or set up an altar in a quiet place. Remember that each person has a certain energy about them. Because all of our vibes are different, our atmospheric and spiritual needs can differ as well.

Image credit goes to h.koppdelaney of

In It Together: 5 Reasons Why You Should Find a Partner of the Same Faith

Christians are not the only religious group that place an importance on finding partners of the same faith. For many spiritual people, their faith is their life. Having a partner of a different faith or no faith can sometimes be acceptable, but you'll feel much more fulfillment if you can share your experiences and knowledge with the one you love.

Five Reasons to Have a Partner Who Shares Your Faith

  1. You can openly talk with them about your beliefs without offending them. This is probably the most important reason of all. Do you really want to hide a part of who you are for fear of upsetting your partner?
  2. You can grow together in your faith. While some faiths are more solitary than others, the importance of human relationships through faith has been proven time and time again.
  3. People who share the same faith have a stronger bond than those who don't. Having a strong bond with your partner can mean the difference between a long, happy, and healthy relationship and one that isn't.
  4. You and your partner will really appreciate each other for who you are; all of who you are. Instead of feeling like you can share a part of yourself, you'll be able to fully share everything with your intimate partner. 
  5. There will always be peace in your household. Interfaith couples can have a tendency to argue with one another about matters of their faith. Couples of the same faith are less likely to argue as frequently. 
Remember that ultimately, faith is a belief system. Not all Christians or Buddhists will hold the same morals. This is why sharing morals and a general belief system are important. Two people with the same or a similar set of morals will be compatible because the foundations of who they are align perfectly with the other person. A strong foundation will never crumble.

Finding a Meaningful Career for Spiritual Fulfillment

Most people in the past viewed work as a mundane necessity that had little to do with spirituality. As times change and we move further into the Age of Aquarius, this view is being questioned on a wide scale. The negative economic situation has created positivity in the hearts of those all over the developed world. Now, more than ever, people are chasing their dreams full speed ahead.

Websites such as Etsy are making it possible for artists to make a money doing what they love. Similar online venues have emerged for writers, designers, and programmers. It isn't just online where opportunities for creative minds are abundant; businesses are finally starting to realize the need for artists and writers in a time where only the innovators will survive.

A Personal Story

Ever since I was twelve, I wanted to be a mangaka. I spent several years honing my skills in order to make this dream a reality. Unfortunately, the economy went under when I finally reached the age at which I was able to work. Because I moved out young, I had to find a way to make money to support myself as there were no jobs in the area I lived in.

Luckily, one of my skills was writing. A dear friend of mine, named Sue, introduced me to the wonderful world of freelance writing. I created a web-based writing business that makes me a living today. I still want to be a mangaka, but I get a sense of fulfillment from my current work because I am using the skills that God gave me.

Find Yours

I've heard several people say that they have no passion or there's nothing that they're really good at. Not so! Everyone is born with God-given skills that they are meant to use in their adult life. For me, it was writing and drawing. For you, it could be counseling.
  1. Evaluate the things you enjoy doing. Work is not meant to be drudgery.
  2. Make a list of all of your favorite activities.
  3. Make a separate list for the skills you know you have. What things have you successfully done in your life? They don't have to be spectacular, they just need to be accomplishments. If you've ever done a great job cleaning your house, that's a noteworthy accomplishment.
  4. Write down career choices that you might consider based upon your natural abilities, personality, and enjoyable activities.
It's alright if it takes you a while to figure these things out. Some people have to do a bit more soul-searching then others. In the end, though, it's about doing something that you find meaningful.

Defeating the Poverty Consciousness

The poverty conscious is an ugly, awful thing. It tears you down, makes you feel worthless, and cripples you until your creativity is gone. It is the evil voice in the back of your head that tells you that you never have enough and you'll never have enough.

For years, I struggled with a poverty consciousness. You don't have to be poor to have one, but barely scraping by sure doesn't help matters either. There is a way to defeat it though, and it isn't necessarily by making more money.

A Stunning Revelation

One day, as I was in deep prayer at my altar, I asked Father-Mother God why things kept going wrong for me. A bright white light revealed the black energy that was in my head. That nasty mess of black energy was the poverty consciousness; the root of all of my negative thoughts and feelings. God said to me "Fight it with light" and I did. With the help of the Divine Light and my angel, I was able to destroy it completely.

More things were revealed to me through my daily prayer sessions. I became more aware of the energy around me. I knew things before they were going to happen (clairvoyance) and for the first time in my life, I felt a sense of hope. Things were going to change, I could feel it.

Nip It at the Bud

Have you ever felt overly stressed? Tired? Hungry? Not enough money? Worried? Everyone does. However, if these feelings persist on a daily basis and you cannot get a moment's peace, you may have a poverty conciousness.

Defeat it like so:

Stand or kneel at your altar. Find the gray or black energy in your head, using your third eye. Your third eye is most active when your physical eyes are both closed. Once you've spotted it ask God's Divine Light to remove it for you and help you experience joy. Envision the white and gold light eating up the icky black and gray mess. Sit still for a minute.

You may feel a sudden burst of happiness that you cannot fully understand. You may feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of you. Your head will no longer feel heavy and you will be free to think and create positively.

Challenges to Faith

In Western society, many people have began to move away from faith and claim to hold no religious beliefs. In America, atheism is the fastest growing standpoint on religion. Spiritual and religious people face serious opposition from the anti-religious. The hate that Christians pushed onto those of other religions and even on atheists is now being sent back to the religiously oppressive by the atheists. It is a vicious cycle that must be broken. No matter which side the hatefulness comes from, it is still hate. Hate destroys people and tears lives apart.

The Christian church has failed many people in many ways. Perhaps, the most profound way it has failed is that is has caused people to lose faith. Many churches have led people away from the real meaning of God.

However, there is much to be said about the failures of modern atheism as well. The fact that many mainstream atheists are closed-minded and are refusing to rely even on scientific fact (one of the only weapons in their arsenal) is a disturbing trend. Many atheists refuse to even use sound logic in their own arguments. This in itself, is troubling.

As society becomes more polarized, there are still those who refuse to jump to one extreme or the other. Many of these people include groups such as agnostics, Spiritualists, New Agers, and others. For those who seek their own path, it is imperative that they resist the madness of the heavy debates amongst those who cannot see past their judgement and hate.

The Difference Between Religiousness and Spiritualism

Religious people tend to have a long list of complicated and unnecessary rules for everything. Spiritual people tend to focus on more abstract concepts such as love, community, happiness, friendship, and light. For those who are spiritual, there is no right or wrong path to God. The only thing that could be considered wrong is causing harm to another person; whether directly or indirectly.


Pacifism doesn't just describe an opposition to war or the desire to keep the peace at all costs; it also describes a desire to avoid conflict of all sorts, to promote harmony and good will, and to lift the human spirits through positive thought and action. Pacifism is a trait that is found in many religions but primarily those that focus on spiritual endeavors rather than physical laws or pursuits.

Facing the Challenges to Faith

If someone criticizes your beliefs, simply smile and state "At least I am happy."

Picture Credit goes to Bahman Farzad of

How to Bless a New Home

Blessing a new home is an important step in maintaining household sanctity and good fortune. Household blessings are simple rituals that are meant to bring peace and prosperity to all who dwell in the home while keeping out negative forces.


You will need:
  • Dried Basil Leaves
  • Dried Sage
  • Rock Salt
  • A small wooden/earthenware dish
  • Candle Lighter
  • Two White Candles
  • A Wooden Spoon
  • Black Salt

Perform this ritual in your sacred garments. If you do not have sacred garments you may perform the ritual sky-clad. Take the black salt and spread it thinly onto all of the openings of the house; window sills, doorways, even the vents. Say "Let no evil or negative forces enter! By the power of Divine Light, I decree this!".

Light two white candles on your altar. Mix the sage, rock salt, and basil in the wooden dish and say "Let this mixture bring peace and prosperity to my home and all those who dwell here." Use the lighter to smudge the mixture. Walk around the entire house, letting the smoke of the mixture touch every corner of the house in every room. In the center of each room, hold the mixture at chest height and say "By the power of the Divine, I bless this room. May only love, light, and peace reside here".

Go back to your altar. Snuff the candles and thank the Divine Light for blessing your home. Thank any angels that you wish to thank as well.

The Meaning of Esoteric Christianity

Esoteric Christianity is what some might call "the true form of Christianity". Unlike mainstream Christianity, which frowns upon ritual magic, the exorcism of demons, and focuses solely on the modern translation of the Christian bible; Esoteric Christianity acknowledges the fact that God created the force that we call "magic" and it is here for our use, courtesy of a fair and loving God who wanted us to seek after his knowledge.

Esoteric Christianity is a very uncommon religion and it's beliefs are held by very few in this time period, known as the attention age. It is considered a mystery religion. Many esoteric Christians believe that God is neither male nor female. An omnipotent being has no need to reproduce and therefore, no need for gender. Esoteric Christians as well as Spiritualists, and New Agers begin their prayers with "Father-Mother God" to acknowledge that God is both a father and a mother, but holds no true gender.


Esoteric Christianity consists of the following key elements:
  • Ritual magic using items such as incense, candles, and herbs. Divine magic is called theurgy while demonic magic is called goetia.
  • Prayer to God (the ultimate deity) and to angels.
  • The invocation of angels and evocation of demons.
  • A scholarly mindset. One must desire to seek after hidden truths.

Esoteric Christianity faces quite a bit of controversy. Mainstream Christianity completely rejects the ideas that are a part of the Esoteric Christian faith. Because of the fact that esoteric Christianity is considered a mystery religion, it has often incorrectly been lumped in with the occult. It's important to note that while many occultists hold an "anything goes" mentality in terms of magic and deeds, Esoteric Christians only practice divine or "white" magic and use it only for the purpose of benefiting themselves or others.

Who Were the Nephilim? Part 1

The modern Christian bible only mentions the Nephilim twice. Yet, the question of who or what the Nephilim really were continues to puzzle religious scholars to date. Unfortunately, in the modern Christian bible, this is all we get:
  1. Genesis 6:4
    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
    Genesis 6:3-5 (in Context) Genesis 6 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Numbers 13:33
    We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
    Numbers 13:32-33 (in Context) Numbers 13 (Whole Chapter)

Why is it that the Christian bible says very little about the nephilim? Sadly, not very many people know. Perhaps, the answer to that question lies within the practices of the early church. The first Christians took into consideration all holy texts from their land of Israel. However, as time progressed and the order of Christianity became more and more complex, they strayed away from the original teachings of Jesus.

Several books of the bible were removed such as the book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees, and the book of Adam and Eve; until all that were left were the books that we see in the bible today. If you've ever wondered why some parts of the bible don't make much sense or don't elaborate enough on important details, such as the Adam and Eve story, look to the lost books.

The book of Enoch is an excellent source to find information about the nephilim. It also speaks of Christian mysticism, which is looked down upon by the modern mainstream Christian church. This could explain why the book was removed, along with several other important texts such as the book of Adam and Eve and the book of Jubilees.

The nephilim were obviously giants as stated in the following passage:

6. Thou seest what Azâzêl hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were striving to learn: 7. And Semjâzâ, to whom Thou hast given authority to bear rule over his associates. 8. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. 9. And the women have borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. Enoch 9: 6-9

From this passage alone we can see that there were a few angels that God placed in charge of the others. They even have names! These are the angels that fell along with their associates for creating the giants known as the nephilim. The only part of this passage that is a bit confusing is the second part of the last verse. What could Enoch have meant when he stated that the earth was filled with "blood and unrighteousness"?

Some scholars have interpreted this to mean that the nephilim were cannibals. Others have interpreted it to mean that the nephilim were violent and evil creatures. Few scholars take a less literal stance on this passage. Perhaps, when Enoch is referring to "blood and unrighteousness" he is referring metaphorically to the chaos that the giants have wreaked on human society. After all, such large creatures could threaten food supplies and place regular humans in danger of starvation. However, this is all speculation so it isn't counted as fact.

To be continued...

The Interaction of Angels & Humans: A Global Perspective

Angels are mentioned across a variety of different cultures but are not always called angels. A helpful spirit, a friendly stranger, or an animal that helped someone out are all examples of potential angel-human encounters.

In the West, where Christianity is a dominant religion, angels are considered helpful beings that are sent by God to assist humans with various tasks. They can even save peoples' lives!

In the East, encounters with friendly but disappearing strangers are reported as well.

Identifying an angel can be difficult if you don't really know who or what angels are. Rather than focusing solely on the Christian or Western interpretation of angelic beings, this article will focus on angels across a variety of cultures. Obtaining a global perspective of angels and their specific tasks can help you identify angels in your day-to-day life.

Angels Around the World

All around the world, angels help people each day. Their tasks can range from small missions such as helping someone avoid an accident to large tasks such as bringing back the dead. Yes, people do come back from the other side; but only if it isn't their time to go.

Angels also protect people from negative forces of nature, also commonly referred to as demons. While direct human encounters with demons are slightly more rare, they do happen. Many people have reported feeling that their was something else in their body or doing things that they were not conscious of. Angels combat these forces all of the time but humans can also do their part to assist them.

In some monotheistic religions that accept the use of magic, such as Spiritualism and New Age, it can be considered common to summon angels from their heavenly realms. Summoning angels is no easy task, however, and some might argue that this practice is controversial.

Angels and humans interact all of the time. Chances are, you will meet at least one angel every day and not even know it. No matter what part of the world you're in, angels are everywhere.

In conclusion, there are many ways to interact with angels. You can summon them, pray to them, pray with them, see them in their human form unaware of their presence, or see them through clairvoyance. Be sure that you are emitting positive energy as that is the best way to attract them.

The True Form of Angels

I'm sure that all of us have wondered what angels look like. There are many different interpretations of angels' appearance. Angels can take on a human form but it's important to bear in mind that their human form is not their true form. Each class of angels - cherubs, thrones, etc. have a different appearance. Just as there are different races of people, each with their own unique characteristics; there are also various races of angels that are distinguishable from one another.

In the West, angels are depicted as winged, human-like creatures, usually with a fair complexion and maybe even with a glow around them. However, not all angels have wings and not all are fair in complexion.

When angels are in their true form, they are invisible to most people. I say most people because some people have the special gift of being able to see them, also known as clairvoyance. Angels are made up of many colors that are invisible to the spectrum of light that we humans can see. The study of advanced color theory explains this beautifully. Angels are made up of several fascinating colors. If angels made themselves visible in their true form, they would look similar to a multi-colored aurora. Now imagine the lights of the aurora taking the shape of a person, animal, or other recognizable being or object.

Ultimately, angels can choose whether or not they want to make themselves visible to human beings. The most common human view of angels is when the angelic beings take human form. Those with clairvoyance may be able to see them in their true form but this is always for a purpose. Whether they are seen or unseen, all angels have one goal in mind; helping humanity in whatever way that they can.

The Purpose Behind the Studies

The topic of metaphysics in and of itself is an academic rarity in the modern world. However, there are some areas within metaphysics that are rarely explored as well. One of these areas is a personal favorite of mine. I've been devoted to angelology, also known as the study of angels, since I was a child. One small sliver of the pie really fascinated me more than anything I could have ever imagined; the study of the Nephilim.

The Nephilim were an ancient race of hybrids that were supposedly tall in stature as well as cannibalistic. However, while some texts state that the Nephilim were cannibals others state that they were simply large and their diet was very similar to the diet of the average human, only that they ate much more than the average human ever could.

There are several theories on what the Nephilim really were. I happen to be one of the few modern meta-physicists that believes they were a hybrid race; the result of a human-angel coupling. For who else, could the sons of God really be? How could mere human beings create a race of giants? Is it so hard to believe that angels can fall into the very temptation that humans can? After all, no one but the Divine is truly perfect.

For brevity's sake I am going to end my argument there. My reasons for studying these subjects are slightly self-indulgent. In a way I feel led, as though this is one of my callings and it is also something that I am very passionate about. Enjoy reading my journey through the study of metaphysics.

About this blog

This blog is about areas of metaphysics that are rarely explored. These areas include the study of the nephilim, angelology, demonology, and more.